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Heating the teapot (Chinese pottery): Pour boiling water over the teapot so as to rise the pot temperature, which avoids spoiling the temperament of the tea. Note: Using a cold teapot will absorb the heat of the boiling water used to make the tea thus affects the flavour of the tea. 二、置茶:等待茶壺溫熱的時間裡,將要泡的茶葉從茶倉中取出,放入茶則。這時可以請賓客賞茶,也藉 這個機會與客人交流,介紹他們認識此茶的特色,香氣?顏色?外觀?賞完茶後再放回原處。 2. Inserting the tea leaves: While heating the pot, insert the tea leaves into the pot and sit the pot still. During waiting time, invite the guests to admire different kinds of tea. Take this time to converse with customers as well as introduce them to respective characteristics of the teas such as the scent, colour, and appearance. Please place the tea back to its original place after appreciation. 三、溫潤泡:將熱水均勻地淋在茶葉上,使茶葉受熱即可,不需要太多的水,淋上後立刻倒出來。目的在使某些比較緊結的茶(像阿里山石棹一帶的珠露茶)舒張,這樣茶湯才會均勻好喝,也有些人覺得這樣比較清潔,但並不是每一種茶都適合溫潤泡這道手續。 3. Bask the tea leaves: Pour the hot water over the tea leaves in the pot to warm the leaves. There is no need for excessive amount of water. Filter the hot water from the leaves immediately after basking the leaves (pouring). Note: the objective of basking is to make the hardened tea leaves (such as the Pearl tea around the Shi Zhou on Mountain Ali) more flexible through stretching them in lukewarm water so that the tea would taste more balanced and delicious. Some people regard basking as more hygiene but not all tea are suitable for this step. 四、醒茶:將溫潤泡用的水完全倒到茶海當中,靜待一段時間讓茶葉舒緩。等待醒茶的時間可用茶海中的熱水溫聞香杯。 4. Awake the tea (Release the flavours of the tea): Pour all the hot water used for basking into the tea leaves. Sit the pot and wait for the leaves to release the flavour. While waiting, heat the teacups with hot water. 參考資料 出國5年的經驗 2008-12-29 17:52:27 補充 5. Adding hot water: The amount of water depends on how many cups of tea are needed. The time taken to sit the tea depends on the type and the amount of tea leaves. 參考資料 me 2008-12-29 17:52:36 補充 The tea has to be sit for at least 45sec~1min. Some require a longer time of 1.5min. While sitting the tea, the time can be used to warm the cups. 參考資料 me 2008-12-29 17:52:50 補充 六、奉茶:將茶壺內所泡的茶完全倒於茶海中使茶色、茶味均衡並沈澱雜質。將茶倒入聞香杯中約七分滿,或用扣杯的方式,正面圖樣對正面圖像,倒過來奉茶增添品茶的樂趣(基於衛生考量,扣杯的方式只適用於第一泡)。 參考資料 me 2008-12-29 17:53:09 補充 6. Offering the tea: Pour all the tea over the filter to balance the colour and the flavour and to filter all the scum. Pour the filtered tea into a cup at approximately seven tenth of the cup. 參考資料 me 2008-12-29 17:53:17 補充 Or you play knock the cup, positive picture to positive, and offer the tea in an opposite way to enjoy eating tea. Note: In hygienic view, knock the cup is only suitable for the first serve. 參考資料 me 2008-12-29 17:53:36 補充 7. Enjoying tea: Pour the tea from the scent cup to the drinking cup. Smell the fragrance. Do not put your hand on the rim of the cup. 參考資料 me 2008-12-29 17:53:55 補充 If you are used to drink with your right hand, put your middle finger at the twelve o’clock direction and the thumb at the six o’clock direction. 參考資料 me 2008-12-29 17:54:01 補充 Drink at the eight o’clock direction. Divide the drinking time into three sections, one to experience hot tea, another to experience lukewarm, the last to experience cold. 參考資料 me 相關詞: 大茶壺,茶壺雞,養茶壺,茶壺拍賣,宜興茶壺,茶壺裡的風暴,茶壺風暴,茶壺民宿,茶壺球魚,茶壺湯 茶壺,英文翻譯,英文 謝謝,阿里山,石棹,water,時間,lukewarm water,admire different kinds of,as well as introduce[ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 1 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) .發問者評價 超棒,感謝!! ~~ .發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 . 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 .馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 •免費下載空姐英文教戰手冊 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 •解析奧斯卡電影背後的秘密 相關問答 [ 茶藝咖啡 ]怎麼找支好的茶壺 . [ 雕塑 ]做茶壺用的土有哪幾種是有名的? . [ 茶藝咖啡 ]茶壺達人請進... . [ 其他 ]什麼是養茶壺啊! . [ 茶藝咖啡 ]中和 永和 哪裡有茶壺的專賣店 . [ 茶藝咖啡 ]泡茶茶壺的好壞 . 更多 .其他回答(1) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) . 001 回答者: 知識家廣告skype加入a0954321 ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2008-12-29 14:50:24 [ 檢舉 ] ..合法期貨商 超低期權下單手續費 "只要你是電子下單" (有狀況例外) 就可以 選擇權 30 小台指 30 大台指 80 不限口數 用的是金融家系統 , 有搶價下單 , 免確認即時下單和刪單 期貨必備的功能 如果量大我還可以幫你橋橋 直接殺最低 , 不管作幾口 , 服務不打折 , 系統夠穩定 功能夠迅速 Msn 或 Mail 給我留下你的聯絡資料 , 馬上轉介處理 參考資料: 開戶 t r a d e r l i f e @ h o t m a i l . c om 1 目前沒有資料 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎?. 發表 取消 . 目前沒有資料 我要評論 最新茶藝咖啡 發問中 已解決 .咖啡drip coffee請教 awe飲品加盟條件是什麼? 东 港 办 假 證 件【Q:⒏⒎⒋O⒊⒈⒎O⒈】 云浮新兴县辦假証件≤Q8.≥証 汕尾海丰县辦假証件≤Q8.≥証 更多 急~~養茶壺有問題..多了一條白線 更多 註冊 會員登入 .公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 . 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