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In this job, I got the chance to practice what I have learned with the water related equipment. The entire job from installation, trial and follow-up procession and maintenance are done by myself independently. I had ever gone to Suzhou for the installation and trials several times. Therefore, I got many experiences on the on-site engineering production. 目前的工作以辦公室為主,公司的產品為自來水淨水機械設備 識圖、製圖、送審資料整理、出料及機械加工、進度安排,必要時去現場探勘,是我的工作內容, 也因此學到許多有關環工機械的知識。 Currently, I work mainly for the office equipment. Our company product is water purification mechanical equipment. My job includes identifying maps, drawing maps, filing information, offering the materials, processing, setting up the schedule and if necessary, on-site observation. Therefore, I have learned many related knowledge on environmental mechanical. 若承蒙錄取進入貴公司, 必虛心學習,隨時進修以彌補任何的不足,並結合貫通自己的所學,更進一步成為全方位的人才,也對公司有更大的助益。 If I got any chances to entry your company, I shall learn and train myself any time to improve myself. In the meantime, I will combine what I have learned and become a multi-profession talent to bring better benefits to our company. 相關詞: 英文翻譯網,線上英文翻譯,英文翻譯軟體,英文翻譯中文,英文翻譯網站,英文翻譯字典,英文翻譯發音,免費線上英文翻譯,台中英文翻譯,英文翻譯程式 英文翻譯,related to water,翻譯,現場,工作,what I have learned,in order to remedy,opportunity,water,in fact[ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 2 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) .發問者評價 thank! .發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 . 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 .馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 •免費下載空姐英文教戰手冊 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 •解析奧斯卡電影背後的秘密 相關問答 [ 語文 ]英文翻譯能力要如何提升? . [ 西方文學 ]愛蓮說英文翻譯 . [ 英文 ]英文翻譯中文練習問題 . [ 升學考試 ]我對英文翻譯很沒輒.. . [ 英文 ]請問文宣部的英文翻譯^^ . [ 英文 ]英文翻譯一下下 . 更多 .其他回答(2) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) . 001 回答者: 哇系乖孩子 ( 初學者 4 級 ) 回答時間: 2006-06-20 17:08:38 [ 檢舉 ] ..因此退伍後的第一份工作,做了6年,讓我有機會現場實做與水處理有關的設備。 Therefore the first work after retiring from the army, did for 6 years, let me have a chance to do to have something to do with water handling actually on the scene equipment 且裝機,試車,及使用後的後續處理及保養,都能獨立完成 And pack machine, test the car, and follow-up processing after using and maintain, can complete independently 曾支身出差多次至蘇州裝機及試車 Have ever paid a body to be on business to go to Suzhou to pack the machine and run-in for many times 公司的產品為自來水淨水機械設備 The product of the company is a running water clean water machine equipment 識圖、製圖、送審資料整理、出料及機械加工、進度安排,必要時去現場探勘,是我的工作內容 Know diagram, graphics and examine data sorting, pay to anticipate and the machine processes, the degree of progress arranges, going to scene to prospect when it's necessary, is my work content 也因此學到許多有關環工機械的知識。 Knowledge also therefore learned many concerning the wreath work a machine. 若承蒙錄取進入貴公司 If be very grateful for an acceptance into your company 必虛心學習 Necessarily ready to take advice learning 隨時進修以彌補任何的不足 Study at any time to make up any shortage 並結合貫通自己的所學,更進一步成為全方位的人才 Also combine to master own of learn, further become an all-directions talented person 也對公司有更大的助益 Also have larger help to the company 線上翻譯句子http://www.mytrans.com.tw/newmytrans/希望幫的上忙.... 參考資料: http://www.mytrans.com.tw/newmytrans/ 002 回答者: Yiing ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2006-06-27 01:24:34 [ 檢舉 ] ..我們是ㄍ專門ㄉ翻譯團隊 有需要翻譯嗎... 如 英文.日文.德文.法文.西班牙文.俄文. 義大利文.韓文.....等多種語言.... 可日翻英....義翻韓.....都okㄉ喔 翻譯價格便宜........ 準確度高^^~~ 可把電子檔寄來.... 即可馬上報價....及估計完成時間.... 如有需要 請來信 mary800103@yahoo.com.tw 註明需要翻譯,說明想翻譯ㄉ語言 並將想翻譯ㄉ文章以”夾帶檔案”ㄉ方式寄給我 馬上報價喔~ 1 目前沒有資料 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎?. 發表 取消 . 目前沒有資料 我要評論 最新英文 發問中 已解決 .請求英文高手~翻譯.....急~~~~~ 英文問題 question 請求解惑 常春藤英語雜誌與背單字方法 請問下列關於時態的翻譯何者正確? 一首英文歌詞,麻煩幫我翻譯成中文 更多 Your post has been submitted a 請問這些動詞ed是什麼時態呢 Do you think this is a good ? 請幫我翻譯口語話英文~不要翻譯軟體翻的 有人想補英文口說和多益嗎??? 更多 註冊 會員登入 .公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 . 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