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The cleanliness of today Kaoshiung Love River has happen after it has gone through a series water quality improvement project The restoration of Kaoshiung Love River is the first ever river restoration project in the country. This restoration project plan was completed in 1977 and it roots cause method of preventing waste water flowing into the river. After the finalization of project plan, work started from 1979 and ended in end of 1986. In 7 years to completed Zhi-Ping Bridge ( Chong-Hua Road ) lower river till sea entrance and river bank, with total of 11 waste water stoppage stations. Stopping waste water from flowing into Love River and divert these waste water into the central waste treatment plant located at Jin-Qi for treatment. The waste water after treatment will be release into Kaoshiung ocean through a 3 km long ocean release pipe. After the completion of this project, there is a obvious changes in water quality in the river section starting from Zhi-Ping Bridge all the way to the sea entrance After which, Kaoshiung government under this foundation, continues to promote a whole city underground waste water project. User pipe connection construction is also under way and implementation of rain and waste water diversion system. In addition there is another method─「Biological Treatment Method」。 「Biological Treatment Method」is using micro organism decomposes to disintegrate the complex organic compound within the waste water and the objective and method to treat waste water using biological treatment method are as follows: 2008-06-10 16:29:20 補充 1. Removed the organic compound (BOD、COD) within the waste water, causing it not to form non-settable colloidal solids and further converting it to clean releasable water. 2. Removed small quantity toxic substances. 3. Removed nitrogen, phosphorus etc nutrition salts 2008-06-10 16:29:45 補充 4. As far as possible reduce the production of sludge quantity. 5. Allowing water and sludge can be effective use as other resources. Biological treatment method can be divided into 2 big groups; aerobic and anaerobic process depending on the oxygen required by the micro organism. 2008-06-10 16:30:07 補充 Every group can be further divided to suspended growth and attached-growth depending on the micro organism growth method. Both these 2 micro organism growth method are used in biological treatment system, in actual fact this method is taken from part of the self-purification phenomenon in the river. 相關詞: 高雄愛河整治過程 高雄愛河整治,高雄市愛河,治平橋,海口河岸共,全國都市,河川整治,微生物,愛河,BOD,高雄市政府[ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 1 ) | 意見( 1 ) | 評論( 0 ) .發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 . 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 .馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 •免費下載空姐英文教戰手冊 •多益700分線上測驗題庫 •解析奧斯卡電影背後的秘密 相關問答 [ 生態 ]請問愛河整治有用到微生物處理污染物嗎? . [ 茶藝咖啡 ]請問高雄愛河旁有哪間咖啡廳還不錯呢? . [ 海運 ]高雄愛河誰整治成功? . [ 時事 ]高雄市愛河當初如何整治才變成不臭了?? . [ 政黨政治 ]愛河整治成功了嗎? . [ 南部 ]請問高雄的愛河整治工程是從什麼時候就開始的? . 更多 .其他回答(1) 意見(1) 相關評論(0) . 001 回答者: 無聊透〃真想你〝老鄧﹏* ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間: 2008-06-10 15:30:51 [ 檢舉 ] ..翻譯: Gaoxiong likes the river improvement and the water quality improvement mainly penetrates a succession of project, can have today neatness.   Gaoxiong loves the river the improvement is opens the national metropolis river improvement the first example.This plan in1977The year completes the improvement plan, uses the plan is the direct obstruction sewage inflow likes the river taking stopgap measures the method.After improvement plan plan verdict, from1979The year begins construction to1986Year's end, during seven years complete the middle reaches to govern the level bridge(Chinese road)Following section of river to estuary river bank altogether11Place the sewage dams the current the station, the interruption inflow loves the river the sewage, and leads these sewage to sets up carries on in the flag Tianjin's central area sewage treatment plant the sewage treatment, after the processing sewage again by3Kilometer long sea release tube emissions to Gaoxiong open sea.After this project finishes, governs below the level bridge the section of river to the estuary section of river water quality distinct improvement, in groups fish reappears immediately.But after from now on, Gaoxiong Municipal government under this foundation, one after another will impel the whole city the sewage sewer project and the user control construction, the implementation rain sewage separate system. 2008-06-10 15:32:28 補充 Moreover, but also has a method - “the biological treatment law”. 2008-06-10 15:32:46 補充 “The biological treatment law” is decomposes in the waste water using microorganism's metabolism the complex organic compound to process the waste water the method, but processes the waste water using the biological treatment law the goal function to be as follows: 2008-06-10 15:33:05 補充 1. except the waste water in organic matter (BOD, COD), and causes it not to be possible colloid of pellet the subsidence (nonsettleable colloidal solids) condenses and precipitates, attains clear puts the running water. 2008-06-10 15:34:40 補充 2. except micro virulent material. 3. nutrition salts and so on nitrogen, phosphorus. 4. as far as possible reduces the sludge quantity which produces. 5. causes the water and the sludge can make the effective resources use. 2008-06-10 15:35:38 補充 The biological treatment method type according to the microorganism to the oxygen demand, may divide into the aerobic processing law(aerobic process)With tires of the oxygen processing law(anaerobic process) 2008-06-10 15:36:57 補充 Two big kinds.Each kind may depend on the microorganism growth way, divides into the aerosol growth type(suspended growth process)Or adheres to stick cohere the growth type(attached-growth process) 。 2008-06-10 15:38:08 補充 請接在句號後面 This two microorganism growth way is applies in the biological treatment system, actually is from only affects by the river(self-purificatio)Some part of phenomenon shift comes. 2008-06-10 15:38:52 補充 Two那段切在)後面 沒辦法一次用太多 抱歉 2008-06-10 15:39:20 補充 切 改成 接 改錯字 1 001 意見者: 低智商的天才 ( 研究生 5 級 ) 擅長領域: 英文 | 動作冒險 發表時間: 2008-06-10 15:45:42 [ 檢舉 ] .."toxic waste" 1 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎?. 發表 取消 . 目前沒有資料 我要評論 最新英文 發問中 已解決 .一首英文歌詞,麻煩幫我翻譯成中文 (急)求Reader digest 一篇文章!!!!! 英文 雪擇題 請球解惑 英文文章內容翻譯的問題 英文 文法Question 請求解惑 更多 幫我翻譯一下工業用英文 60 days B/L date end of month? 請問這個英文翻譯成中文 請問這個英文翻譯成中文 麻煩大家幫我簡單的中翻英 10點 更多 註冊 會員登入 .公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 . 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